Ricardo Insua-Cao - Artist & Designer

OCAS is the only group that we are aware of, in the area, which meets regularly for practical, hands-on art. We meet at 'Old Coulsdon Bowling Club', 81 Coulsdon Rd.

Anyone can join; all abilities, all styles and all media are welcome. There is NO assessment committee.

OCAS also has formal class instruction. Each week, between 2 and 3 artists/tutors guide and teach at each session on a one-to-one basis, as they move around the group. The emphasis is on fellow amateur and aspiring artists having somewhere to go to practise their art, supported and encouraged by like-minded friends. All three of our Tutors are working artists of an excellent standard.

There is a Portrait Model, sitting for 3 or 4 consecutive weeks, and also a weekly Still Life set-up. Alternatively, simply ‘do your own thing’.

Charles Smith (020 8668 6005 charlesfsmith@hotmail.com)
April Taylor (01883 371692 april-r@hotmail.com)

OR just turn up at the Old Coulsdon Bowling Club on a Thursday evening 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. (See term dates).



"A friendly group,with a model each week and support from 3 teachers" says Sue

Page Updated 10th July 2010

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Old Coulsdon Art Society